Three days focused on starch and sugars

The impact of starch and sugars in the equine nutrition will be at the core of all presentations. This theme will be decline through complementary workshops and conferences to provide both scientific and practical insights for everyone. 

27 November 2024

28 November 2024

29 November 2024

Pratical workshops


Technical workshops

Illustration of digestion, health and performance monitoring methods for research and practice.

Up-to-date knowledge through conferences by guest experts and poster sessions.

Practical presentations of starch and sugars processing techniques, food and ecosystem analyses, etc.

Lab To Field Research Center

University of Burgundy

University of Burgundy

Guided tour of Dijon

Gala dinner

Day 1 : Pratical workshops

On the first day, Lab To Field will be opening the doors of its research centre specialized in the relationship between nutrition, health and performance in horses. Practical and clinical workshops will be organised to present studying and monitoring methods on horses, specifically focusing on the impact of starch and sugars on health, digestion, metabolism, performance, and more …



Provisional themes for Day 1

Diversity of feed ingredients for horses: What is the carbohydrate profile? Where to find key information? How to use it for rationing?

Tools for assessing energy metabolism during performance

depending on the energy source

Effect of carbohydrate sources on gastric digestion and health

Impact of starch on intestinal parasites in horses

Starch and large intestine health:

What diagnosis can be made using faecal and blood tests and imaging?

Blood biomarkers:

how to detect energy metabolism disorders?

Day 2 : Conferences

The second day aims to provide an overview of scientific knowledge and perspectives on the uses and effects of starch and sugars in equine nutrition. This day will be dedicated to conferences delivered by international researchers, who will share their expertise on the subject. Posters will be presented during a session organized to exhibit innovative work related to the conference theme.


Provisional themes for Day 2, pending validation by the speakers

Introduction – Starch and sugars in equine nutrition: a common concern


Samy Julliand (Lab To Field)

Carbohydrates in forages: is it a concern ?

Starch and sugars: what do humans believe?


Alice Monier Torrente (Horse Development)

Starch and sugars: what do horses perceive ?

Do horses have a ‘sweet’ tooth?

Dr Andrea Ellis (UNEQUI Ltd)

Posters session

Starch and large intestine health: can standards be updated?


Pr Véronique Julliand (UMR PAM) / Dr Pauline Grimm (Lab To Field)

Energy metabolism disorders associated

with starch of sugars intake in horses

Dr Erica Macon (Texas A&M University)

Day 3 : Technical workshops

The third day will focus on technical workshops, held in laboratories and research centres specialised on food. Based on the illustrations presented during the workshops, perspectives will be opened up on various themes: food processes for adapting foods, biochemical analyses of interest, in vitro studies, etc.


Provisional themes for Day 3

Technological processes for processing starch

in equine feeds

Laboratory analysis to measure the impact of starch and sugars

on the digestive ecosystem

Biochemical analysis of carbohydrates in feed:

obligations and informative analyses

Good practices to limit accidental doping

from cereals and sugar-rich products

Techniques for the evaluation of in vitro fermentation

on complex ecosystems

Case studies: how to study the effect of starch on the host?

Congres 2021 - Atelier technique NSP
Congres 2021 - Atelier technique SATT

The full programme will be available soon.