Organized by Lab To Field
Theme 2024 :
- Dijon (FRANCE)
- 27 - 29 NOV. 2024
An Unmissable Gathering for Professionals
in Equine Nutrition and Health
Facilitating the use of knowledge to improve practices and innovate...
Research in equine nutrition is constantly advancing worldwide, and I am delighted that the Lab To Field team is actively contributing to this. However, without significant efforts to transfer the knowledge generated, its integration can sometimes be very time-consuming, to the detriment of the animals.
The “Equine Nutrition and Science” Congress, organized by the Lab To Field team, was launched in 2018 to address this need to share up-to-date and scientifically based knowledge. Each edition revolves around a specific theme, with invited researchers providing an overview of the latest findings.
At the same time, the congress will highlight the technical means and expertise required to develop and test nutritional solutions adapted to equine physiology.
The three days of the 2024 event will be bilingual in French and English. This will bring together all the international professionals involved in equine nutrition in one place.
For three days, Dijon will not only be known for its gastronomy and wine but also as the capital of horse nutrition!
... About starch and sugars in equine feed
After the themes of fibers in concentrates in 2018, and functional additives and ingredients in 2021, the organizing committee has selected the theme of starch and sugars for the 2024 edition
Indeed, this subject quickly sparks passion! Every day in the field, I daily hear surprising claims about the possible effects of starch or sugars on the health, performance, or behavior of horses. Myth or reality?
I want this congress to provide you with sound answers to this central theme, which has been researched in Dijon for more than 30 years.
This will enable industry to better integrate these compounds into their products, and veterinarians and nutritionists to provide well-supported advice.
Looking forward to seeing you very soon.
Samy Julliand
Lab To Field manager

Our latest news

Theme of the congress in 2024
Starch and sugars Knowledge of starch and sugar digestion in horses has progressed thanks to scientific studies carried out around the world. Much of this

What’s new in 2024
New features expected for 2024 As in previous occasions, the Congress LTF 2024 will be held on-site in Dijon. This allows for face-to-face exchanges and

Review of the Congress LTF 2021
A successful 2021 edition! The theme of feed additives and functional ingredients attracted a great deal of interest: the 2021 edition brought together over 115